God Has Given Us a Divine Opportunity to Reach the World!

In October, my husband & I, our secretary, Dena & her husband, Bud, went to Pastor Rodney’s ministers & leaders conference in Tampa, Florida.  We went to receive of the anointing and had no idea what God was about to do.  I was called upon to minister in almost every service.  That was only the beginning.  Pastor Rodney was led to extend his meetings and I continued to minister for three weeks.  He even had me take two of the services completely myself.  While there, we found out that he is on a relatively new television network called Faith Broadcasting.  It is based out of South Africa but reaches all of Africa, the United Kingdom, and has now launched into fourteen million American homes.  The official launching was the second week that we were with Pastor Rodney.  He asked me to go on the network daily to help them with that launch.  What a divine appointment!   The president of the network so appreciated my teaching that he asked me to have a program on a regular basis.  Then the Lord directed Pastor Rodney to buy us three new cameras for our studio, with cables and tripods. He then gave us an unexpected offering.  

 In the middle of the conference, The Lord spoke to Pastor Rodney to come minister at our church.  What a miracle again!  We ended up being one of several River churches that he went to on a tour. It was a glorious night of ministry and harvest.  We are forever thankful.

 I want to tell you a little more about this new opportunity on Faith Broad-casting network.  What I love about this new network is that they have pure hearts and are doing Christian television different.  It is about time!  They want nothing to do with gimmicks and manipulation and have even dismissed some very popular television-evangelists because of that.  The president said that he loved the pure message from my heart.  This brings joy to my heart because I, too, have been sickened by all of the manipulation and have refused to have any more to do with several stations that have invited me to be on their network, at great cost to my own ministry.  However, I know that I will stand before a Holy God and give an account for who I associate with and what practices they allow.  So, I feel that this has been an answer to prayer and brought about healing in my own heart.  God has brought many things full circle the last two months.  It is so important to protect our own hearts and walk in integrity, forgiveness, and holiness.

 Who and what is Faith Broad-casting network? FAITH BROADCASTING NETWORK is a family of premier Christian television channels bringing the gospel of Jesus Christ to homes on the continent of Africa and beyond.  It has been reaching into millions of homes all over Africa and The United Kingdom for several years.  It just launched across America a few weeks ago on the dish network into 14 million U.S. homes. FAITH FAMILY OF NETWORKS now potentially commands the attention in excess of 64 million viewers across its satellite channels.  Dr. André & Jenny Robert, founders of River Ministries South Africa, are the founders and owners. 

 The channel makes a commitment to being a relevant voice in society. In a society that is often rocked by various political, criminal and environmental calamities, a solid faith in an unchanging God proves to be a great comfort. This channel brings a message of hope through the daily programming.

 Do you realize what a miracle it is to sit in one location and reach millions of people all over the earth at the same time?  Just the plane tickets and hotels for that would cost a fortune; then add to that, the time-factor and wear on the body.  God has truly given us a divine opportunity to reach the world, while continuing to pastor and train revivalists and ministers in the Bible school who will continue to multiply the work.   I am believing for many partners.  

 I want to ask you to download the Faith Broadcasting app and follow us soon. 

 In His service

 Pastor Debbie Rich Rester

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